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Intoduction to the Reviews Page

[ latest site update 11-09-06 ]

As time goes on we will be listing on this page reviews of many popular movies, books, television programs from a perspective and frame of reference that could be seen as stated in this phrase, "What God Had In Mind for Mankind In The First Place".

This will not be merely a Biblical and Scriptural view, although it will include that. It will also not just simply be the view of the oneday Kingdom of God the Father and of His Christ - Jesus, on the earth, although it will include some of that as well.

But the unique perspectives, reviews, analysis, reports, etc. that we will be putting out there will provide most people, [ Christian or Not ] with another Chrsitianese view of common cultural attractions in our lives.

Many of you have already seen and heard many of the "status quo" versions of the "Christian perspective", but we guarantee you that these will be different, yet cutting edge and relevant.

Here's a brief example. One of my favorite categories of "data input", as Johnny Five the Robot would say, which is none other than "SCIENCE FICTION". Both of my parents were Science Fiction "fans", even the first "trekkies". Especially my Dad, for reasons of his own he had a real thing for Isaac Asimov and other Science Fiction authors of Novels, even at times in comic books and the like, even from the 1930's. All Science Fiction category written publications, as well as the old live radio spot programs, the television shows and series, [ i.e. "Star Trek" ] all the subsequent movies, and on up until today with all of the Atari mini 8-track looking cartidges in the game boards of the seventies and eighties, to the X-Box and home PC's , etc. What an incredible evolution transformation transfiguration of sorts, we have seen even in this venue of writing fiction [ and even some non-fiction type documentaries and all the Carl Sagan stuff] My point is that they all, as any good writings, but especially Science Fiction of any kind of presentation, has a definite theme and journey you are menat to go on. It's a large part of what makes Science Fiction so enjoyable to so many people over even the past one-hundred years. Not to mention those in their own rite like Michaelangelo and all the way back to the Pryamids, etc. Although they got into way more spiritism and mysticism and the occult, etc. than just for Imaginations Sake". But the fascination has always been there, and beyond......................

These themes and journeys we've been taken on, as though the author were actually some sort of tour guide through our own imaginings of the "Out There" in our collective minds-eye and theirs, have had in a very obvious and profound way, a unique perspective of their own, from mankinds point of view and reference. And actually a point of view having known either very little or none at all of the view that a "Creator" as the one proclaimed in Judaism amd Christianity, especially from the accounts of the writings in the Hebrew "Torah" known as "Genesis", would have.  And not only strictly from humankinds point of reference, but also our relentless imagination stemming from our dreams and hopes and "wishes upon a star", of what WE ourselves would like to see, "Out There".

I'll stop here and check in again with some more "fascinating" facts and suppositions.

I really would like to hear from all of you as to what particular Movies, TV Programs, Books, etc. you would like to have "reviewed" and commented on. And not just Science Fiction, but any number of ones, even those strictly "Christian" in Nature. Maybe even the "Passion of the Christ", by Mel Gibson.  See Ya.

This page still being updated regularly