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Introduction - Vision, Mission & Recurring Ongoing Themes

[ latest update 11-09-06 ]

Welcome to Life Builders Ministries. We are committed to and fully equipped to providing resources to work on the Building of the Kingdom which is to Build the Lives of the individual parts. We are not affiliated with a particular denomination or sect. We are of the general protestant category of Christian Churches but also considered Full Bible. [ Acts 20:27 ] We covet your prayers and feedback, positive or otherwise.

As an Internet outreach of Life Builders Ministries, we have two types of writings that are sent out through an e-mail subscriber list and are posted on this website as well. Our website is still in the “works” so please be patient. 

One of these two Internet outreaches is the “GodSpeak” devotionals that are sent out often to those interested. These will have specific chapter and verses mentioned and exhortation through them and the Spirit of the Lord. Plus, these writings are posted on this website as well. The other is the “Straight-Up” writings that are more lengthy and involve a teaching format. Controversial issues are frequently seen posted. These will tend to have less Scripture notation than GodSpeak

Thank You for your time and interest. If you wish to contact us or be placed on our e-mail subscriber list let us know by E-Mailing us at 


Authors Personal note:

These writings of mine are not meant to impress anyone with my writing skills and the ability to "keep" a readers attention, or follow a logical path, or persuade anyone, or anything else such as those things. I write "not with the Excellency of speech....or of the attractiveness of man's word's". I write for the "Whosoever Will's" not the whosoever wont's. For the true seeker and searcher of truth and understanding from the Lord, not from me. I write as I feel inspired to, and to make you the reader "Think" and then "Inquire" of the Lord concerning what I've brought forth as to if or how it applies to you personally. I pray much over these that you will "act" upon those things that the Spirit of God speaks to you about in these writings. When I use redundancy and repetition it's on purpose. These are also rough drafts, meaning I have not taken much time other than spell-check, to refine the work. There isn't time. I also do not as a rule, give out the Book, Chapter, and Verse. Take notes, memorize, get the recording. You go look it up, it's your "reasonable service" as the Bible says. That gets you engaged and involved in the process of hearing from the Lord and further enriching and developing your communion with him. In the First Century Church they didn't use chapter and verse. They merely said, "It Is Written".


Post Script

If you've received any of my messages before you know me, I feel I have an assignment to deliver messages that the Spirit of God lays upon my heart that are usually discovered to be very important to some who read them. For many years I have felt urged to do this and have only done so in a very small circle of friends or maybe a few e-mails here and there. I may send some letters to the editor [not many get posted] or on a couple of websites I write for, or even to various government officials, etc. but not really that often or that widespread. But I have been told repeatedly to do so in a more widespread public way and until recently I have been very reluctant. One of the main reasons is because so many of the messages I get are so controversial I cringe at the thought of the reputation I'll get. This is a sin on my part. It is the fear of man. Period. Now I understand that there can be a fine line between discretion and urgency in delivering these kinds of messages, no matter who you are. But honestly that has been more of an excuse for me than a legitimate reason. For this I can only confess and repent and apologize.

Here are some of the recurring themes you will find in our messages, & teachings and they are all intertwined with each other.

 - There are Times, Places, and Seasons in God's Kingdom and in our lives. The absolute sovereign ownership of us by God. All things in balance, and in order. He can do as he pleases with what belongs to him.

 - Being Led by the Holy Spirit in ALL things, all the time, and not by our own direction or understanding. This is progressive as well. Practice patiently waiting on and for Him.

 - Making Believers out of Christians and true followers out of Disciples. Most of us are very lacking in the "believing" and the "following after" department.

 - We just don't know as much as we'd like to assume we do ["for we know in part"] and we ask too many [foolish] questions about what we don't need to know. Just concentrate on declaring what is known and trust the Lord for the "increase".

 - All of God's Word(s) is not only found in the Bible but will never violate the Bible. Even the Bible refers to prophecies being spoken and we don't even know what was said. But we must be very careful and test the spirits. We do not simply refer to a Bible verse. The insights and teachings of the Spirit found in between the lines in our studies is also valid and can come from God.

 - God has been active and working amongst men for thousands of years and the Living Epistle lives of all of God's people in Church History all that time and how he directed their lives also show us proof of what is found in God's Word.  And If He has done some thing before amongst men He may do so again. He is authorized and able.

 - We should get used to the joy of repentance and the blessing of confessing each and every wrong shown to us, daily, and keep short accounts with men and God.

 - The Scripture teaches about living a Holy Upright life before God and man and reaching towards being as faultless, blameless, guiltless, spotless, as is possible. It was done before the Cross and can still be done.

 - "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be disappointed, rightly dividing the truth." [2 Tim. 2:15] declaring, explaining, believing and living the Whole Bible, [Acts 20:27] as it stands before the Cross and the Blood.

 - Suffering from sickness, disease, illness, affliction, and all other kinds, physical or mental or relational, or financial, or marital, or occupational, or social, or any other kind is not necessarily a sin or a lack of faith. It is also a glory, honor, privilege and opportunity to rejoice in suffering because you're a Christian, either at the assaults of the devil, or even someone else. God has and can and still does, by allowing these things, ordain them as a part of our lives, at times, places, and in seasons. Even if it's our fault. 

 - By walking by faith and in trusting Jesus for our salvation primarily means not trusting at all in any of our goodness, no matter how we think it compares to our wrongs. Our's can never match or even exceed Jesus life. But this walk of faith and trusting cannot even be done in this way if a person is still running their own life.

 - "For the Time Being", referring to what God is permitting and allowing now,  and also his preferred and ideal "will" which he will not see completed fully until the New Heavens and the New Earth are here and sin, satan, and this world's system are no more. Both aspects of His Will are "perfect" in the sense that whatever he wants to do and does is without challenge and without fault.

 - Understanding God’s will and ways. This is best summed up here and now in the phrase “for the time being”.  As God allows things to take place that may not even be his ideal preferred way He is in effect pre-ordaining it to happen. But that does not mean it will stay that way. God did not make you the way you are, and he won’t leave you that way, and has only allowed you to be this way, “for the time being”.

 - All of the "If's" from the Holy Scriptures. Can a Christian miss Heaven?

 - All of the “As” terms. Scriptural insight into that word study.